Added AOM AV1 and SVT-AV1 encoders (note that these are currently considered experimental, work best with CPUs that have many cores, and are only accessible for recording in advanced output mode).Added the ability to set different blend modes to sources via the source right-click context menu (similar to Photoshop’s layer blending for example).Updated CEF (Chromium) for the browser source from 75 (3770) to version 95 (4638) (Absolutely amazing work by everyone who worked on this, especially the CEF community -Jim).Added AJA output to tools menu for AJA devices.Fixed browser plugin not loading if OBS launched from certain paths on macOS.

Fixed an issue on macOS where FFmpeg dependency filenames were unnecessarily complex, breaking some third party plugins.Hiding OBS from capture is now logged.Updated AOM/SVT encoders again because there seems to be some new good changes.Fixed an issue where the resize grip would break if you dragged it all the way to the top in the filters window.Fixed a memory leak in PipeWire capture on Linux.

Fixed a bug where the virtual camera on Windows wouldn't display properly.Fixed an incorrectly colored icon on the Rachni theme.Fixed a bug where audio wouldn’t capture for people with older Windows versions.Fixed a bug where sources could show up in the mixer while using studio mode even when those sources weren’t active.If you would like to support the OBS Project, please consider contributing to our Patreon or Open Collective! 27.2.4 Hotfix Changes